Excel 2019 For Dummies Cheat Sheet From By At first glance, you might have a little trouble making sense of the Excel 2019 worksheet window with its many components. Just keep in mind that when you’re unsure of the purpose of a particular command button displayed in the Excel worksheet window, all you have to do is to position the mouse pointer on that button’s icon to have Excel display the button’s name, its shortcut keys (if it has them), and, often, a short description of the button’s function. Quick Guide to the Excel 2019 Worksheet Window To help you get your bearings, here’s a quick rundown on the different components of the Excel 2019 Worksheet window, from left to right and from top to bottom: • The top row of the Excel window to the left of the centered filename contains the Quick Access toolbar with its default AutoSave, Save, Undo, and Redo command buttons. You can customize this toolbar to contain other commands that you frequently use.