Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf
Shortcuts For Word 2016
This is a major rework compared to previous versions. This should be one of the most complete Shortcut References for Excel updated to the latest versions. York air conditioner model numbers. Most all shortcuts are most likely to work exactly the same on previous versions. Overall if you are a legacy Excel user, try to get used to the Ribbon Shortcuts; they seem cumbersome at first; but worth the effort learning. Navigate Worksheets Arrow Keys Navigate by one cell at a time in any direction Page Down/ Page Up Move one screen down/ up Alt+ Page Down/ Page Up Move one screen right/ left Tab/ Shift+ Tab Move one cell to the right/ to the left in a worksheet Ctrl+ Arrow Keys Move to the edge of next data region (cells that contains data) Home Move to the beginning of row Ctrl+ Home Move to the beginning of worksheet Ctrl+ End Move to the last cell with content of worksheet Ctrl+ G Display the GoTo dialog box Ctrl+ G then type e.g. A50 Go to line 50, Column A Ctrl+ G then type e.g. G1 Go to column G, Line 1 ▲ up 2.
Microsoft Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf
Select Cells. Basic Selects Shift+ Arrow Keys Extend selection by one cell Shift+ Page Down/ Page Up Extend selection one screen down/ up Ctrl+ Shift+ Arrow Keys Extend selection to next non-blank cell Shift+ Home Extend selection to beginning of the row (unfortunately, there is no Shift+ End equivalent) Ctrl+ A with no data nearby current cell Select all Ctrl+ A with data nearby current cell Select all cells in data-containing area.